Baby Boy's Journey


My sweet baby boy was born 1 week ago today. He was due 8/8/18 but decided to make an earlier arrival 7/26/18. 6 pounds 11oz 18.5inches long. My husband and I couldn't be more in love with this little man! I wanted to share my journey with ya'll. After being dilated 4cm for a few weeks and having on again and off again, inconsistent contractions for a week with bouts of consistent contractions that would die off I kept questioning "will I

really know when it's time to go to the hospital?" being a FTM I had no clue what to expect. You read and read and read but when it's happening to you it's just different. So... After consistent contractions all night that became closer and closer together I began to think "this was it" but I questioned it at the same time. I was in doubt that the moment had come until about 5:30am when the contractions got closer together I then lost my mucous plug and had a small amount of my blood show. Quickly following contractions 5 mins apart. I got myself ready and headed to the hospital. Upon arrival I remained calm and told the ER believed I was in labor. They were a little taken back but they quickly realized I truly was in active labor. I got to labor and delivery and was dilated 6cm and 100% effaced. I recieved my epidural at 7cm, they broke my water a little while later and pitocin was started shortly after. I noticed I had increased pressure pain and before I knew it the pain took over and I had full feeling back and was feeling more than pressure... turns out I had feeling because my epidural was leaking.. I was going crazy and dilating quickly. Finally at 9cm I was given another epidural. I had relief and was ready to have my sweet angel. I pushed for about 45 mins and at 5:41pm I had a healthy baby boy!

After over 12 hours of labor I was a Mommy 😍 and my husband was promoted to Daddy to a human baby this time lol vs a fur baby. Our lives are forever changed and we are so blessed.

For anyone scared of labor just know we can all do this! It really was worth it. Congrats to all you Mommas out there!

Meet my boy