Back Labor?


Ive been having clear stretchy discharge with some blood in it for a few days, assuming that is my mucus plug.. comes and goes through out the day. I had a Dr appt on Tuesday and she checked if I was dilated.. she said I was 2 cm dilated 80% effaced. Ever since that night, Ive had discomfort in my lower back. Every so often I get excruciating pain for 30 sec to a min in my lower back and pelvic area. Sometimes they come every hour sometimes it comes more then once in the hour. Doesn't matter the position it hurts till they are done. I have to breath through them. Do these sound like Braxton hicks to you? or the beginning of labor? Anyone else experience this before?


I just had a gush of water come out while I was walking.. it was right after I went to the bathroom just walking back to the room.