Rant about being involved

First of all my sister in law’s involving us in her relationship I’m not just ranting for the sake of it.

So my sister in law has been dating this guy for 18 months. They actively tried for a baby last summer and got pregnant 6 months after they started dating/met(they heard of each other from high school but didn’t really know each other). I believe she only wanted a baby so fast because she has 3 other kids with different dads and they are all boys and she wanted a girl.

Well she was a very good mom before she met him. Always kept her place clean, had a job and always put her kids first and had money for necessities and toys for her kids. After they started dating she became so dependent on him that she lost all of that. Her house became messy and she quit her job without a back up(after she was pregnant) and she won’t listen to her eldest son(who is 8) when he said he doesn’t like him and she didn’t listen to his reasoning. I don’t know his reasoning but he has seen them fight and I believe what he does to his mom(which I will explain) and says to her out of anger is the main reason. The boyfriend proposed last Christmas and her son didn’t want any part of it. It’s not because his mom and dad aren’t together because his dad is now married and he has half siblings on that side also and he’s happy there. They actually have a house and some dogs and money to spend on their children for necessities and toys. At his moms she gives him a phone or video games(which she ends up selling for money a month after she buys a console) so he leaves her alone.

The boyfriend has quit multiple jobs while dating her(after she was pregnant) and convinces her to spend her money on stuff for “them”(him). He convinced her to move out of her low income apartment which she has had for a while and was moving into a townhome that November there but he wanted a house and convinced her to move far away(not too far but it’s a 40-50 minute drive) from everyone. But they fought so much because they couldn’t afford it and were so far from family that they moved into a low income townhome down here.

Before she met the boyfriend every time we would ask her to do something she said yes. Now that she’s with him she almost never wants to do anything. Two weeks ago we had my other sister in law over and she wanted to come too but her boyfriend said she couldn’t go. So I believe that that is happening most situations. Last weekend we all went over to her grandmas neighbors for a party and her boyfriend spent his time somewhere else on the property mad because he wanted to leave and she told him to leave(which we were all proud of and it was funny because he’s a POS.

They are constantly fighting and she texts everyone saying she’s done then we offer her our place and she says “we’re working it out” it is not healthy for her 4 young kids to be around all that fighting.

So when I said I’d explain what he’s done to her is he’s knocked her phone out of her hands or taken it away so she can’t text us so it’s nothing like hitting her(as far as we know the most physical it got is she punched him in the face. Her son said he pushed her while pregnant but she said he just hit her phone out of her hands) if she goes and sits somewhere else while they are fighting he will stand in the same room and just yell at her and berate her.

Well this last time two nights ago they fought(the night after we got another “we’re working it out” text from her) they were fighting and he locked her out of the house with her son in only a diaper and their daughter without her keys and formula(other two kids were at their dads). He then threw all of her crap downstairs and when he let her in and she went to get it he stopped her and locked her out again and her sister that lives next door called the cops so she could get her stuff(the cops made her leave since “he didn’t have anywhere to go”. Haha yeah. He has a mom and sister that live nearby). She stayed at her moms that night and changed her status on Facebook to single and told everyone on there, friends and family(through a comment on her post about starting a new adventure) that she’s a single mom again which she has never done after a fight so we believed her. Well she went home after work yesterday and whoop dee doo I see them posting crap together again. I’m telling my husband to block her number. He’s so sick of it too and he’s the one that mentioned blocking her if she wasn’t done this time. He’s the first person to hate her boyfriend. His sister and I were next because his sister came over to her apartment and he said “what are you doing here?” and he argues about everything because he thinks he’s right. He even argued with me saying all water tastes the same. How do you know what I f****** taste? He wouldn’t give in so I had to even though I know he doesn’t know what I taste. He’s just so cocky. He especially PO’d everyone because he said he would NEVER fight for this country. This whole family are big military supporters. She knows this whole family hates him and she has cried wolf sooo many times and I’m just so f****** sick of it. We want to be there for her but she can’t keep doing this to us. I even cleaned out rooms for her this last time because I thought she was finally done. I know it’s really long I just really needed to vent because she just pushed me over the edge. I don’t know what she sees in him because he’s a dick and he’s not even a little attractive