Calling all military SO's


So my boyfriend decided to join the Army and is leaving in two days for Basic, OSET, and Special Forces training (he'll miss my 20th birthday, but be back just in time for our one year anniversary). He didn't just spring this on me, he actually didn't even contact the recruiter until we had a long discussion about it (totally didn't end with me having a breakdown). I've just put off asking for minor guidance into the Military Wife Life TM until now because sometimes my pride gets in the way. I know that being faithful is the easiest part. But there are so many other aspects of Military Life that I don't know, and need to know. My biggest one is how to cope with deployment and separation. I have severe separation anxiety, and any coping skills you gals may know of/use would be greatly appreciated. I know that communication will be limited, and I won't hear much of anything from him during SFT. And before any of you ask, no. We are not jumping into marriage. I love him, I love him a lot. But Marriage isn't in the cards for us right now. We both are a bit scared of it, and want to wait until we're absolutely sure it's what we want. Don't get me wrong, I see a future with him that I never saw with my exes, and I'm not scared of the commitment, I just want to be sure that he can be happy with me and all my baggage.