Implantation sickness

Anyone here experience this? Or heard of it? I hadn’t.

About 6-7 days ago my husband and know ☺️. W no protection.

I’m breastfeeding our 14.5 month old. 🤱🏻 I haven’t gotten my period back!! Haven’t had it in like two years 🤣.

Anyway. We joked about him gettin me pregnant, but like just joked bc hello no period.

Well yesterday around 1-2 pm I got super nauseated, huge headache, felt weak, feverish. Took Advil. Lasted for like an hour and a half and then sort of dissipated. Feel fine today.

I was like wtf was that right?! I have caffeine everyday and hadn’t for the past two days and I do get a headache from that, but nothing like the freaky stuff yesterday.

Dr. Google taught me about the ‘implantation sickness’ phenomenon. Just wondered if it’s a thing, of you’ve had it, if there’s a little miracle baby growin in me! 👶🏼

Any thoughts welcome!! 💭