Incompetent Cervix/ Dynamic Cervix Problems


Good Afternoon,

Let me give y’all a little story about my pregnancy life before I jump straight into my questions and concerns. In June 2017 I was pregnant with my first child and went all the way up to 22 weeks with my son before I was told I had a short cervix “incompetent cervix” . Once I reached 23 weeks I was admitted to the hospital because my cervix was so short they knew I’ll go into labor any day, & which I did 2 days after being admitted. My son had passed away due to complications. NOW, FAST FORWARD to March 5 2018 I was lucky enough to conceive with another son. At, 18 weeks i had a sonogram where the sonogram lady couldn’t tell if my cervix was opening alil or still closed because in pictures it would show 2.9 or 3.1 as the length of my cervix so me being a parent I didn’t want a repeat of last year to happen again so I order for a surgeon to give me a cervical cerclage stitch to keep my cervix close until 37 weeks. Just to stay on the safe side and have a chance at a full term labor with a healthy baby. So, now I’m put on bed rest to where I can’t do nothing and not to forget, I’m getting the weekly makena injections EVERY MONDAY to help with my cervix and the <a href="">baby development</a>. I’m 21 weeks now and 4 days and I have a sonogram ultrasound appointment yesterday to check on my son and cervix. My son is doing fine , but cervix is starting to open and the sonogram lady said it’s gonna open because I have a overly active cervix “dynamic cervix” but the stitch is in place to where the cervix is gonna continue to open until it reaches where the stitches are.

So, my question is ... Has anyone else has this problem during pregnancy and if so did you still have a successful pregnancy with a healthy baby ?. Did you go up until 37 weeks or even 30 something? Or is there any way I can help my cervix stop opening ?