My birth’s long


Baby Major born at 39 weeks by induction for suspected “large for gestational age”. This is my second baby.

Arrived at hospital 7:30am, by 9am I’m all hooked up to monitors and dr checks my cervix and I’m at a tight 2cm, 70% effaced -2station. He orders cytotec to ripen my cervix more. After 4 hours I only experienced mild period cramps with an occasional “holy shit that hurt” contraction. Dr checks me at 1:30pm and I’ve only made it to a 3cm 😥. SO... we get the epidural (which was freaking painful as all get out), he breaks my water, we start pitocin and that’s all she wrote. From about 2-3:30 I was comfy and numb and then I started feeling stuff.. finding myself needing to breath through pains, feeling the craziest pains and pressure in my butt. I tell the nurse, she checks me.. I’m at a 6. Yay! She stands in there for 15 mins and I start moaning, cussing, saying omg I feel everything, start crying, I tell her the pressure is like doing something please help me! She checks me again. Within 15 mins I’m up to an 8. The epidural has totally failed at this point. They call the dr. Start setting up the delivery table. Dr comes in within few minutes I’m at a 10. I’m crying my eyes out, screaming “oh shit that hurts, oh my god, please help me, please god” everyone is telling me go ahead and push when you feel it. By the way.... it really does alleviate pain to push through a contraction. And your body almost does it on its own. Before I know it, at a 10. Like within few short minutes , crazy fast. I was in so much pain my body was shaking involuntarily and my legs were stiff like they were being held by vice grips. It felt better kinda sitting upright actually with legs in stirrups but my ass was totally off the bed. My husband and 3 nurses and the dr were surrounding me holding limbs and coaching me. It was extremely embarrassing because I could see my reflection in the ceiling and I knew I was pooping (it was soft and loose omg the worst smell) and I said I don’t want to push I’m pooping omg I can’t hold it! The nurse was quickly wiping it away and said you’re not pooping! I said bullshit! I smell it andnfeel it coming or! Lol she said everybody poops keeps pushing! I was mortified. Having an audience like that while you’re spread eagle and shitting is gonna give me PTSD. Anyway, pooping is over and then my body totally takes over and there came the ring of fire and dear little baby jesus I never want to feel that ever again!!!! I don’t even know the words, grunts or screams that were coming out of my mouth at that point. I pushed 2 times as hard as I could. It felt like my vagina and butthole was gonna explode. So, baby comes out. Starts crying. Looks good and healthy. I have immediate relief......until I see the dr literally reach in and start pulling the cord to get the placenta. Wow... that damn near felt like I was birthing another one. I know I’m a wee dramatic but ladies, good lort. I respect any woman who does it naturally. My threshold for pain is non existent so you literally couldn’t have put me through anything more painful. In a way I’m kinda glad I know what it felt like but it was extremely traumatic in the moment. Currently baby is sleeping, he has latched well, and I’m waiting for food. He has facial bruising band bruising on chest from being pulled. Otherwise he’s good. My pee hole swelled so they put a catheter back in. Bleeding moderately, large clots. Thanks to all who read.

I’m just really sore, swollen. Utilizing the numbing spray and ice packs.

I hope I didn’t scare any FTM, take my experience with a grain of salt. I am a big baby myself and do not tolerate pain well. You got this! Good luck to the next mama