What’s wrong with me?

I can’t take it any longer. I hate the reflection that I see in the mirror. As a lot of people , we encounter a lot fo people online and in our daily lives. No matter where I go , no matter what shape , size , or skin color I always find everyone around me to be gorgeous. I mean, I strongly believe that this generation has no ugly people. This generation is perfect. I scepter for me. I don’t know what’s wrong and that’s what aggravates me the most. I know I’m ugly but no matter how many times I look in the mirror I can’t pinpoint the exact problem. I may have acne scars and a bit of fat on my chin but other than that I can’t find what’s missing. I can stare at myself for hours and not know what it is , something is just off. And I hate it. Everyone and I mean everyone that I encounter on the internet and real life are perfect to me. Perfect bodies , shape, size and face. What is it that I’m lacking. Why am I so ugly . I don’t understand. How has everyone in my family come out to be some of the most beautiful people you will ever meet with a shirt ton of confidence but I’m the one that’s lacking. And please I don’t want to hear the cliche “your beautiful” or “it’s what’s on the inside that counts” cause it’s not true. I’ve been told by everyone around me (in no mean to make myself feel big or anything) that I’m a genuinely good person with a kind heart but in the looks department..... I just want answers. What’s wrong with me?