No such thing as "golden rules" *long post*


Whatever happened to the golden rule... "never ask a girl if she's pregnant, even if she looks 9mo preg". I'm already finding it hard to hide the pregnancy from family and close friends coz I'm still only 6w5d and worried about miscarriage. I miss one birthday party last night coz of bad nausea (passed it off as a bad headache) and my SO who went to the party without me gets grilled by a few of the guests as to whether I am pregnant. I think I'm just a bit hormonal in saying this, but I just wish people would mind their own business sometimes and keep their speculations to themselves. Even if their speculations are correct, if our secret had been revealed last night I would have been forced to tell more people. Then what happens if I have a miscarriage next week? I would then have to go through the trauma of telling everyone, who I wasn't ready to tell yet in the first place, the turn of events.. I know nothing bad has happened to my pregnancy yet so I'm overreacting with this post, but I can't help but think about these possibilities. 12 weeks seems like so far away... Maybe I'll feel better after a nap lol