My birth story 💙I went in on Sunday July 29th to start my inducement process

Autumn • 26 👑 Momma to a beautiful price 💙

My birth story 💙

I went in on Sunday July 29th to start my inducement process. Went through 12 hours of early labor with non stop contractions to have no change whatsoever. 

On Monday July 30th they used Pitocin to get my labor truly started. Still only 2cm dilated we started this journey. 2 hours into I asked for my epidural due to I was having back labor. 

Well I get the epidural and everything from there is going fine only thing I notice is when they put the catheter in I felt it! I told the nurse right away and she told me oh that’s weird and moved on with her life. 2ish hours later the dr finishes breaking my water at 3cm since it started to break on its own. 

Then active labor starts - I am feeling every contraction in my vagina. It was beyond painful and the nurses are just telling me it’s nothing. At this point I didn’t know they were contractions I just knew I was in pain. Finally the night nurse comes on her shift - the only nurse to take me seriously that day let me add. And she starts to do anything she can think of to help before she realized my epidural had a hotspot. Well In her attempt to get the medicine to the hotspot she created another one in my back. 

So now I am feeling my contractions in 2 spots. My Dr comes in and asks why am I in pain? But did NOTHING about it other than check my cervix and tell me at 32 hours of labor I am still only 4cm and how he thinks my baby is too big to fit through my pelvis ... 

4 more hours go by at this point I am screaming non stop. They didn’t slow down my contractions, I guess hoping that I would dilate more? Even tho he had already told me I won’t be able to do a vaginal birth... but now at 36 hours in labor my dr calls it and they take me to get a c section. 

That takes about an hour no big deal - especially after what I had just gone through. 

At the end of it all I was relieved and finally able to welcome my beautiful baby boy into the world! 

Avery Michal Robert Selman

Born July 31st at 12:40am 

7.4lbs and 19.75 in long 

He is the definition of perfection 😍