Sick baby

C 🖤

My 9mo has some sort of vomiting and diarrhoea causing virus, plus he is teething badly which isn’t helping things in the slightest.

It’s now Saturday and he’s been ill since Monday. Diarrhoea seems to be getting better and is now more solid (scrambled egg like) and vomiting is down to once or twice a day. He hasn’t properly eaten solids since Tuesday and has just been nibbling pathetic amounts of dry toast, crackers, and potato since then. He’s definitely hungry and is taking milk and water fine, but he has lost weight. Doctor saw him on Tuesday and again on Thursday and said that he is well hydrated despite the amount of fluids coming out of him so to just keep up what we’re doing with him while we wait for this virus to pass as it seems to be working well. He’s still been himself most of the time, and is playing, chatting, general-babying as normal, but he is also having patches of being real drowsy and grumpy.

Today, his temperature is slightly high for the first time during this illness and he has been sleeping a lot. He threw up once this morning and has only had six dirty nappies in the last 12 hours which is a big difference to what we have been getting- about 20-25 in 24 hours since Monday. He hardly slept at all last night and was waking up every 30-60 minutes- I think this was partly the teething pain and partly that he was super hungry as each time he settled easily after milk, Calpol, and cuddles.

Could this extra sleep and high temp today mean he is on the mend finally? I know that when I am ill with a virus, the last few days are spent sweating out and sleeping so I’m hoping it means the same for him, but am also worried that they might be signs of him getting worse?

Totally inexperienced with baby illness so any input would be appreciated!!