Evelyn’s debut


I’m a week postpartum and I am feeling 100% better than I did the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy! So here goes my story.

I have something called SVT also known as Supraventricular tachycardia. Just fancy word for my heart rate going really high! Like 180 beats per minute high and sometimes I would pass out. So I have been on medication for 6 weeks and off work for 4 weeks before delivery. I had two doctors tell me that they wanted to deliver me at 39 weeks due to this and my hips not being wide enough for a bigger baby. So induction was set for July 27th at 6 am. As of 7/25 I was only 1 cm and 0 station. So it was going to be a long day. We got there got and IV and started with a pill that they put behind your cervix to soften it. Every time was very painful and they would make my cervix bleed. I would have contractions but they would stop after 3 hours. They put this pill behind my cervix every 4!!! So you can imagine the pain I was in! After 24 hours of that I got to eat and then start pitocin. They stated pitocin at 8 am with a folly bulb. At this point I had contractions on top of my uterus staying in a contracted state. So I never had any relief. I couldn’t get comfortable. By the 11:44 my doctor who was on call came in and said the baby is not handling this well. Her heart rate is going down every time you have a contraction and your heart rate spikes. She said she was not optimistic at all about a vaginal delivery and she thought it was safer for a cesarean section. So I signed the consent forms and I was off to the operating room. I had yet to receive and epidural and so the anesthesiologist came and gave me a spinal. Which caused me to shake uncontrollably!!! (Other side effects later) After that was in full force they brought in my husband who had been my rock through all of this. And the process to get my daughter here safely began! By 12:20 my 7 LB 4 oz 18.5 inches long beauty of a daughter was here and crying away! My husband lost it and broke down and cried. He was just happy we both made it. After a scary last trimester! I had not seen her yet so my emotions didn’t hit me. My husband went to be with my daughter and after 5 min brought her to me. I kissed her so many times I lost count. She was here dark hair (surprisingly! I thought for sure she would have red hair due to my husbands side having all red hair!!!)

After what felt like eternity they wheeled me into my birth room for 2 hours of skin to skin! And then off to recovery! I had an amazing nurse who came in and told me you have two hours to get up! I told her let’s roll! And I was walking about 7 hours after surgery! No stopping me! I was determined to not let this c section get me down! That first night was rough! The spinal made me itch everywhere! They gave me medicine which made me sleep hard core! My husband was up with the baby most of the night! But after that everything went well! We stayed an extra day! I was there Friday-Monday! My milk came in Monday! And besides a jaundice scare after we got home we are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️ I love you Evelyn!

She is the love of my life! I can’t believe I waited 30 years to do this!