What’s wrong with him?

He’s 8 months old. My mom takes care of her grandson while his mom and dad work 12+ hours a day. She still has to do her laundry dishes and other house work (I live with her and I have my own jobs around the house) well whenever she sets hims down to go do something (even to go pee) he screams until he can’t breath (no joke) then when she sits on the floor with him he continues to cry so she’ll set him on her lap and he’ll be fine but only for a few minutes because then he’ll want to be on the floor and then it goes into a circle. He’s fed changed and has lots of entertainment but doesn’t want anything. Sometimes he just wants to cry in her arms. Also he’s been doing this since the day he was born. He spent three weeks with his mom and then she went back to work.

If he does finally calm down while playing on the floor if someone walks through the room he’ll start screaming again

It’s driving us crazy and my mom can’t get anything done and now my sisters work schedule is changing and she’ll have more work days

He’s so inconsolable

Also his other grandparents can’t take him because they work.