Hand foot and mouth question


My 22-month old daughter goes to daycare a couple times a week. Wednesday we got this alert message that hand foot and mouth was going around. Friday morning she started with a temp (99.2 then 100.4 then 103.3), and wouldn’t eat breakfast. Brought her to the pediatrician and they looked in her mouth and said yep it’s hand foot and mouth. She didn’t have any spots yet on her body though.

She hasn’t had a temp over 99.5 all day, it’s been pretty normal. She’s eating a lot less than normal but is drinking plenty. She’s now developing spots. Around her mouth are big blistery sores, and a couple on her left hand too, but not on the palm, near the knuckles. A few patches of small red dots on her feet but not on the soles, on the top and sides. A scatter of spots on her inner thighs. And a few of the big blistery sores elsewhere- her shin, her back/shoulder/armpit area. Is this normal that her rash is in places other than the hands feet and mouth? And when should I expect the blisters to heal?