My man and my friend.. :/

madison • 💕 Baby coming April 2019 💕

Ever since I got pregnant I don’t feel like myself. I do plan on bringing it up with my first prenatal visit. But lately I can’t stand to talk to my friend. All she does is complain on how sad she is (over a boy... she talked to for a month...) I love her to death oh my lord. It’s always all about her and her problems. She complains about being sooo tired and how she hurts to move and how she wants to kill herself because of school and that bullshit. I get really annoyed because she has a roof over her head, food, electricity, water, is confident and what not. And when we hang out she’s automatically fine. I’m pissed because ive been in so much pain from my cramping and my body being so tired. And now that I’m pregnant I don’t feel anything for my boyfriend now. I do deep down love him so much. But I hope it’s just all my hormones that’ll calm down and I’ll come back around :/ any advice would help.