Feeling alone


I lost a baby in May at 13 weeks, it would have been my third child. The miscarriage was extremely shocking and painful for my husband and me. I don't really need to explain to you all how I feel about it. I know it was different but still painful for my husband. He has said more that once that he didn't feel that attached and is mostly worried about me. We didn't talk much about trying again but certainly didn't avoid unprotected sex. It took us 7 months to conceive the child we lost (we have two children that also took some time) so I think we felt we had time to think about it. Well we didn't and I am now 5 weeks pregnant and working very hard to stay positive about it. When I told my husband he said "just wait". That was his whole reply. When I asked what that meant he said "I don't know, just don't go out and tell everyone, just wait to get excited. We'll wait and see." That hurt but I understood where he was coming from. I guess I was hoping more for a mix of scared and excited rather than just scared. We didn't talk about it for days. Yesterday my husband was talking about a house project that would involve using some harsh chemicals and I said I would want to be out of the house for at least 24 hours because I am pregnant. He said "well it could be a false pregnancy." I'm sorry WTF??? I don't know how this pregnancy will end it very well could end badly again but it could end with a child and right now I am putting my energy into believing that. I got pissed and said that really hurt me, that I know how things can go badly but also that this isn't fake, I'm pregnant right now. We didn't really fight but it was not a good conversation. He told me he's "literally afraid to hope". I'm trying to be supportive of his pain but I don't feel supported back right now, I feel pretty alone. He later tried to make a joke about it, that's what he does but I really don't feel like laughing about any of this. I don't really know where we go from here, how long am I am in this pregnancy alone? How long should I just wait? Until we are past 13 weeks? Until the baby is born? I already know I have to go to my first appointment alone, I have to make the appointments for Tues because that is my day off and the only Tues they had he is in court all day (my husband is an attorney). 

I guess I just needed to express this somewhere. I know that was long... Kudos to you for getting through it 😘