Really bad underweight issues


Hey y’all.

I wanted to talk about my weight problem. My whole life, I’ve been tiny. I mean TINY. I’m 26 years old, 5’ 1” and currently, 83lbs. That’s a BMI of 15%. The fuck is that? I’ve never been able to get to 90lbs, except for when I was pregnant (twice).

I eat regular meals, balanced, and I’m moderately active. I dont hit the gym because I’m scared to loose even a single pound.

I’ve had my hormones tested, thyroid and the like. All that is normal.

And for dietary restrictions, I’m lactose intolerant so no dairy for me or I get pretty sick.

I’ve upped my calorie intake to ~2.5k (protein and healthy fat heavy), drink mass builder shakes, limit caffeine to 1 cup of coffee a day. I literately follow all the rules for weight gain with no results.

I just want to be healthy and have some decent curves. I feel like a damn stick. People look at me like I’m an anorexic and I fucking HATE it. I don’t feel sexy, I buy clothes from the little girls sections, and I get mistaken for a child constantly.


Recent pic of me and my babies.