Finally making a damn CHANGE! Update #2


I’ve been over weight pretty much my whole life, 10lbs at birth 😂 I’m 4 months pp and another on the way and I’m up to 240?? NO MORE! I’m so tired of looking hideous in my clothing! I want to look sexy naked... I’ve already lost 10 lbs just by cutting out fast food and soda! I would drink 10 sodas a day and at least 2 fast food meals a day...while snacking on chips cookies and candy...duhhh of course I’m over weight! I started working out today I jogged half a mile and ran the bleachers twice which is way more exercise than I’ve done all year! This now will become my life ❤️ protein shakes..water and exercise! I’m so ready

So today is my 2nd successful day of eating clean and running at the track

I’m super red and sweaty but I can’t wait to upload a progress pic in 30 days! Thank you for your support gals


Today is day 7 of eating clean and working out and I’m at 226 !