Two faint positives in two days


It was 9dpo and 10dpo. I don’t have pictures, but should I trust it??

The first was sooo faint I couldn’t even capture it well enough and I threw out the second as I have a bunch of family over and didn’t want anyone to see (I took it right before I showered, and I have 4 nieces that like to go through my things)

I’m so confused and really afraid to get my hopes up. I’ve been cramping which is genuinely odd, I swear I’m not symptom spotting. I only cramp the day AF is due and during ovulation. I ovulated about 10 days ago and AF isn’t due for another 4 days. I run like clockwork and I’ve found them to be different from normal cramps.

What are your thoughts? Should I just ignore it and wait to see if AF comes or should I take another test??