Do I move out or stick it out??

Okayy y'all it's a round 2 with this story time.

So I moved in with my boyfriend who basically gave me an ultimatum annnnd.. it's not just my boyfriend who I moved in with. (his sister, momma, brother, 2 kids, and a dog)...

it was really hard to do because at the time I was living with my mom and sister. after i moved in with them off of the lie that their mom was supposed to move out, I clearly saw that it was just that, a LIE. there's 3 bedrooms. and the bedroom that their mom is in was supposed to be the room that my boyfriend & I sleep in. However , his sister decides to take the kids out of their room and have them sleep with their grandmother so her son and I can sleep in there. Now I would have thought that this situation would have improved buuuut, it didn't. he doesnt sleep with me at all. and I've asked and he said he would but he didn't unless I begged . I'm not asking to cuddle just for us to be in the same room. and it's really irritating... I gave it a few months annnnnd I'm not liking this anymore. I feel like I'm just another existing body in the house. we don't talk like we used to. he doesnt text me if I'm out the house... he doesnt check on me like he used to. if anything I have to ask for a hug or a kiss. or for him to talk to me. annnnd it's getting old. I feel like there is no boundaries also because ever since I've been here there's been ppl coming and out of the house at late times of the night and I cant get any sleep. I feel like if you want me here like you say you do, act like it. him and his sister are the ones who said they wanted me here and I feel the opposite of that especially by him. what should I do?