Curve ball birth


so my birth story is similar to most and was similar to my first delivery with my son with some curve balls thrown in. my doctor decided to let me be induced a week before my due date due to the fact i was already induced successfully once and was already dilated. so I went in on August 4th at 7:30 a.m. and prepared for my induction. the nurse had issues getting my IV in so i had to be poked twice before things were going. i was hooked up to pitocin around 9 a.m. and contractions started quickly. I asked for my epidural around 11:30 and anesthesia was up there shortly after. at first the epidural was working wonderfully however two hours in i was starting to feel slight contractions on my right side and about an hour later it was spreading across my belly. I was soon feeling every contraction. I was checked at 2 and was 5 cm and then checked at 4 and was already a 9. although things were progressing quickly i was not going to be able to push with the pain i was in. the anesthesiologist gave me a bolus shot in my catheter to see if that would help but it did not. eventually they called another anesthesiologist and he gave me a stronger pain relief which did not take the pain completely away but it did lessen them. well come to find out my daughter turned face up and was trying to come out that way which was affecting my intense back pain. my OB decided she wanted me to try and push as she was worried how long I would be pushing with her being in the wrong position she had me do a couple of practice pushes and she could see the head so she told me it was go time and to push as hard as I could so I did and she was out within 15 minutes. it was the most uncomfortable experience and I was not expecting the epidural not to work. I was unable to get out of bed for over 13 hours after the epidural as come to find out most of the epidural ended up on my left knee and it was still numb. but she is here and her daddy and I couldn't be happier. big brother is excited too but he is 2 so he is hit and miss lol.

miss Sawyer Jean Marie born august 4th at 7:08 weigh in 8 lbs 9 oz.