Weight loss after c-section ??

Kayla • 25// Mother of two rotten little boy / two babies in heaven // 1 baby girl // married to the love of my life for 6 years ❤❤

Girl I'm going insane , my LO is two! That's not the problem of course , he was a emergency c-section a result of reverse dilation -.- I wasn't worried about q c-section figured I'd heal and lose weight normally with diet and working out ...

That's seems to not be the case , I went from 125pds to a heavy 166pds with my son for only a 4'11 women. I've gotten back down to 145, but it seems all progress had stopped !

In my lower belly and thighs it's just sticking so bad , I'm not sure why else I can do, my husband offered to work out with me but he seemed more like a drill Sargent than anything thanks to his MMA background. With a two year old a house to maintain and getting super depressed over my body , you can imagine that ended in tears lol

So , any advice ??? I love that my body gave me our son but i don't feel like myself anymore and it's spiking my old depression and panic disorder ): anything that works would be a god send ! Thank you all and God bless ! 💕🙏🏻💕