I don’t know what to do

Hey so um I’ve been an emotional and stressed out wreck since June 20. I had an “unprotected scare” on June 20 and I stopped him bc he was unprotected, he only went in like twice and I stopped bc I’m not down for being unprotected. I’m on a microgetin combination birth control pill that literally mimics a pregnancy and I only get a period every six months. All symptoms linking to pregnancy are linked to my pill as well (which sucks) and I am freaking myself out. I’ve take three different tests and they’ve all some up negative, but I’m still super scared and my symptoms are freaking me out as well. I don’t know what to do since I can’t talk to my parents about it and my friends don’t understand. Am I just freaking myself out and my pill is just cursing me, or should I be concerned? I’m 17 and am looking at colleges, not looking for a child right now.