Just found out I’m expecting, strangely invested in how I want to give birth?

First of all, please understand I am an obsessive planner. From the second we even started trying to have a baby, I wanted to plan out every aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. My boyfriend is a very patient man, clearly 😂

I’ve been reading about unassisted births and different birthing positions.

Is it strange that I really don’t want to give birth on my back?? I don’t know how to broach the topic when it comes up with my Dr, but I feel like either squatting or being on all fours is going to make the process a whole lot easier.

My other problem is that I’m always afraid of acting like I know more about childbirth that the medical professionals who’ve been doing this for YEARS. This will be my first and I just feel very strongly about it but I don’t know how to make that clear without sounding arrogant.