why do I care so much

Emilie • mom of 3 a 11 old son and 9yr old daughter. With the addition of the bun in the oven baking.

the boyfriend and I split last Tuesday because he didnt trust of believe me about anything I said. Yes it was a long distance relationship but it was amazing anytime we got to see eachother at times all we did was just have dinner or lunch. Everything was all good then he started to make excuses for not coming to see me or even call. He wanted to get married and start a family and I was completely happy with him. He treated my kids like his own and then just like that I was being accused of cheating and talking to other men. We had tickets to a concert on the day he texted me and said we were done just like that no explanation and all i want to do is call or text him and tell him that i miss and want to see him. Just dont know what to do anymore.