She jumped my fence 🤬

I live in a well “ secured” area or so we thought I don’t have any friends I can call and express my emotions too. This is the closes thing I have to social media. Yesterday my children,the in laws and one of my brothers in law had the biggest scare of our life’s. Not so much for us but for the kids as they started to panic and cry and run in fear. we were about to have a BBQ. my husband was taking a nap. For some reason I went inside for a second came out side and this grown ass woman jumped our back fence. She was probably under a substance . I know all of my neighbors and trust me we had never seen this woman in the 12 years we have lived there. She ran towards my youngest when my father in law reacted an blocked her. She looked at him with a stern face and said I just want to go. I ran towards my kids and She ran towards the front of the house witch is gated as well , for some reason my brother in law had not seen her initially so when they cross paths he startled her. She ran and jumped the neighbors fence witch is a little lower than our back fence. She crossed the street ran a block and proceeded to take her pants down an pee right in front off our other neighbors car. He looked at her she looked at him and then sprinted off to the other street . My brother in law jumped in his car to see if he could spot her and lead the police towards her . It took less than a min for all of that ordeal to happen in my property . And it angers me that I was a little too far from my children if I were to have been as close as my father in law the rage in me would have come out off hand. I know my strength and I could have easily Taken her down and kicked her ass. But I just ran towards my kids as she ran to escape my property. And this was In the middle of the afternoon the sun was still out I’m scared for my kids not so much for me. I made sure that I doble and triple checked everything was locked in the middle of the night. I’m sorry but I just had to take this off my chest. EDIT: trust me she wasn’t homeless her hair her cloths her designer bag are not from a typical homeless person. She was high as 🤬 she was well groomed some of our rear neighbors from blocks down throw elaborate parties I can’t pin point witch house because I’m only familiar to our area wich is a pretty big area and we all know each other pretty well.