Which do you think?


So in July I had what seems to be my normal period July 2nd-4th, my normal range is 4-5 days. Between July 26th and 28th I had light spotting, the middle day was a heavier spotting for about two hours then back to light spotting (implantation or breakthrough bleeding). Then August 1st I had creamy light pink/light brown/cream colored CM that was so much it dropped in the toilet. I took a PT (urine) and got a BFN. My AF was due August 2nd, and still has yet to show. I have had many different symptoms since my last AF, most likely due to a virus I had) but not sure if I should waste a test or not. Today I had a spike in temperature (I always check when I wake up for the day between 5 and 7 am and can’t afford a bbt thermometer at the moment) Any advice or answers are welcome just trying to figure it out x.X. I have an appointment for a pelvic exam and ultrasound the 20th of August already scheduled.

PS: symptoms vary day to day but seem to be mostly just adding as time has gone on, they aren’t in any particular order, but these include:

Back pain

Breast swelling, tenderness, enlarged veins

Nipples itching, sensitivity



Irregular bowel movements (not normal consistency)

Nausea, vomiting

Increased sense of smell

Taste changes, loss of appetite

Extreme fatigue (nap in the afternoon and in bed early) insomnia in late evening/early morning (up between 11 and 5)

Swelling in feet

Tightness, cramps in lower abdomen (varies between left and center rarely on right)




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