Pregnant again? UPDATES


My boyfriend is going to kill me if we are pregnant again (ok not really but it is too soon for another and we have a difficult living situation and he is active marine living 4K mikes away. I won’t see him again until December at the earliest. It is already difficult as I had not seen him since April of 2017 until July when he came for vacation)

I have an 8 month old baby girl. I’m still nursing so it’s hard to tell pregnancy symptoms because I still cramp from time to time and my boobs are always sore (heavy sucker and teeth coming in 🎉)

Here is my current cycle and an explanation of what’s going on. You tell me what you ladies think:

My cycle runs from 28-36 days with an average of 34 days. I don’t log all of our sex but I know the 27th was the first time since my last period. According to my predictor I should have ovulated well before we had sex. But then I started spotting pink for a few days. (No more spotting now) I thought my period was coming a week early. But my period didn’t come. It is due tomorrow but I’m not showing signs of it (now it’s 5 days late). We will see.. but this is what I have been getting at night and very small amounts during the day some days:

(I noticed it only happened after sex since now he’s gone it isn’t happening anymore)

No condoms but we thought it would be safe to use spermicide since we thought we were in the clear of my ovulation window.

Also I have been having moderate heartburn and headaches with slight intermittent nausea for the past several days (2 weeks now maybe?). The only time in my life I had heartburn was while pregnant with my daughter. When I had the heartburn this weekend my thoughts immediately went to “omg”.

What do you think??


I took a test but I don’t know what to make of it..

Update #2:

I took a digital 2 days, both read NO but since all you ladies think I should still try a pink dye test I’m going to give it a shot.

Update #3:

I took a pink dye test. Also came back negative. Funny I feel somewhat disappointed now but it wouldn’t be a good time for another juuuust yet.

Last update:

AF showed up today. Out of nowhere. Had no symptoms and was well over a week late. So it seemed the gel worked for us. I was surprisingly saddened by the negative and AF,...I want another in the next couple years but right now it would put unneeded stress on us. Baby dust to all!