Cats/dogs and babies


Anyone have experience with that? My husband is a little worried about how our fur babies will react to a human baby, but I told him we just have to take it day by day and I'm sure they'll be fine. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and he has been cleaning the litter box for me (thank God). Our fur babies (one small terrier dog and one cat) are both male so we plan to get them fixed soon as we get the money for it. He's mostly worried about the cat scratching the baby. Our cat is very gentle, but he's only 1 so we're still training him to put his claws away. Kitty has only scratched me as a baby kitten, and he doesn't get crazy unless I'm playing too rough with him then he'll nibble on me or swat at me but never has hurt me. I'd love to hear anyone's experience 🙂