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Friday night had intercourse idk if that makes a difference. Sunday around 6pm I had pink discharge. Continued thru this morning Monday. And right when I got to the dr to get checked I used the restroom and had a darker brownish pink with a tint of red and a few drops of red in the toilet. Had a pelvic she said there’s definitely some bleeding but sometimes could be normal at this stage. Then did a vaginal ultrasound and said she couldn’t tell anything cuz it wasn’t a clear ultrasound as she moved it around I coulda swore I CAN SEE A BABY and that it was much bigger than my first ultrasound but she said she can see the pregnancy and sac but it’s very very unclear so she ordered a stat ultrasound to detect fetal viability. I asked her why it wasn’t clear and she said it coulda been wthat the gel slid off when she inserted it (vaginal ultrasound). I’m hoping and praying that was the issue. They can’t get me an ultrasound til tomorrow at 3pm. 24 hours later!!!! Wth! Anyone have anything similar ever happen?

Ps i am 11 weeks tomorrow

Also, if I wanted to go to er today. Would they give me an ultrasound? I can’t wait 24 hours to know if my baby is okay.