Using a nursing cover

Allison • 25 years old, 2 miscarriages in ‘15 & ‘16. Married 💍. 💙 KJS 6/30/18 💙 BBS 4/29/22

So I totally get why people would want women to use nursing covers. Before I had my baby, I used to think it wasn’t a huge deal to cover up.

But now, my baby is just starting to make good eye contact and he likes to look up into my eyes when nursing. ❤️ I’m just imagining myself nursing him in public with a cover on, and he goes to look up into his mama’s eyes and comes face to face with the inside of a cover. 😭 I guess we’ll see how brave I am when I start to breastfeed in public (there’s no way I could now, with my ridiculously heavy letdown and supply).