Am I wrong?? I honestly don’t know how to feel...

Back story ...

My mom was in and out of my life and an alcoholic as far back as I can remember. She was in and out of jail and we were bounced around a lot. At one point she moved us 3 times in one week, 9 times in a month. My time in school from kindergarten to high school I was transferred 13 different times. We never had stability. Men in and out. Parties. Fights. Police. I could go on. It’s like my childhood was a lifetime movie. She would leave my younger sister and I with no power or food while she ran off with a man. Finally, my 7th grade year it all came to a halt. Child services stepped in and it was foster care or sign us over to another family member. She signed us over to my grandmother.

As the years went on she went about her life. She would come around for a few months and stay clean but was gone again.

I moved out on my own at 16 and have supported myself the best I could. There were times I would struggle as far as money etc. I managed to build a career and amazing life for myself.

I am now 29 and happily married with two beautiful children. Through the years I have begged my mom to get sober and promised I would help her. I have offered her a place to stay anytime needed ( she’s never taken me up on it). I’ve sent her money more times than I can remember even if I didn’t have it. Paid her phone bill. Over sent her a pizza because she was starving. I have begged her to be in my kids life. Willing to do whatever I can to help get and just have my mom. She has never tried. She has met my daughter once over a year ago and saw my son maybe 10 times in his 9 years of life. Heck, I’ve only seen her 5 times in the past seven years.. She is currently homeless but my aunt and grandmother offered to let her stay with them and I have not and will never turn her away. However, for some reason she doesn’t want that...

She calls me this morning and asks if I will pay for her to rent a hotel room for a while. It’s like $500 for the week or month I’m not sure. Well I told her I couldn’t and this was her response to me....

She has NEVER cared about me or my sister. NEVER wondered if we were fed or homeless. NEVER lost sleep worrying about us. She has never been a mom to us. My childhood was robbed because of her. Y’all have no idea what I went through. Sexual assault, rapes, I can go on but I won’t. However, I would still help her get her life back on track and never turn her out in the street but I honestly only hear from her when she wants something.

All I ever wanted was a mom. To be able to go to lunch with my mom or my lids go see grandma, you know, the little things... I’ll never have that for them with her.

Am I wrong to not get the room for her? Idk her response invoked all these emotions and feelings I guess from everything.

I told her I would talk to my husband because I’m not just going to take $500 out of our account. He did get called into work early but either way the answer still would have been no. We would have offered to let her stay here and try to help her.