Update: Need to vent(sorry in advance for length)

So I am 25 years old with two college degrees and a career and am now pregnant with my first baby who wasn’t planned but very much loved from the beginning. When my boyfriend and I found out we were pregnant we started making plans to move out of my mothers house(where we were living to save money and pay off debts) and were actively looking for an apartment. Well when we told her the news she was shocked and not too thrilled but quickly came around and said we should stay living here because we will have a room for the baby and save money as well. So we agreed and quickly came together on a plan for us to help out with bills(we were just paying weekly rent before that). Well tonight she came home in a foul mood and immediately started in on us about little things that had nothing to do with us or the baby and things got pretty heated between her and I and she made the comment that we should just go and move out then if we don’t like her rules. So now we are on the hunt to find an apartment and get settled before this baby comes. I’m sorry for the long post but I needed somewhere to vent because I am really upset and stressed out beyond words. Tomorrow is our anatomy scan and I don’t know how to feel when I’ve been super excited all day for it.

Update: so I found out the next day at my anatomy scan that I am having a little boy which I knew all along was going to be the case. So I texted my mom about it after the appointment and got back oh, are they sure? I have heard of parental disappointment because they were sure on one gender and found out they were having the other but never have I seen such a thing as grandparent disappointment. And every day since then she has made it clear how unhappy she is about it and is constantly asking me to change the name that my boyfriend and I agreed on. I am so stressed out and ready to just leave the state because I don’t feel supported and I don’t feel the excitement is there anymore about my baby. So today I am going to start apartment hunting and figure out a way to deal with everything without making myself and my baby sick. Thank you all for the kind words I got on the original post and I am sorry this is so long.