Partner Insecurities


Both my boyfriend and I are insecure about our bodies and faces and etc. anyway it makes me feel extremely bad when he feels bad about himself and I really wanna help .. he’s on a vaca rn so I cant see him, but I told him that when he gets back that I’m going to get rid of his insecurities but that it might make him horny (I like the suspense) anyway i was thinking of kissing him in different places and telling him why I liked it, nothing sexual at first I was thinking like nose cheeks behind his ears down his neck onto his collar bone down his chest and idk where to go from there because I haven’t done anything like this before but I do want to end up giving him a handjob because he deserves it but idk how to do that either.

Do any of you have any better ideas?

Or anything to add?

Or any advice in general??

I really don’t want to f this up

(The hand job is only for pleasure afterwards, it isn’t meant to help with insecurities or anything because I know that’s not how it works .. he asked me to the last Time we hung out and I didn’t give it to him because I didn’t know how and now I feel bad)