Am I a bad friend? Sorry it’s so long!

Okay so I have a friend that I’ve know since I was about 11 and I am now 20 (we are the same exact age) we’ve always gotten along well and my mom never really liked her but as a teen rebel I’d see her and talk to her behind my moms back(when we stopped going to the same school) we would talk all the time and had a great friendship. Around 2013 she was about 15 she met a boy and I didn’t think it was serious because she wasn’t the type to settle, at 16 she got pregnant on purpose with her first, I thought it was great and supported her etc. While pregnant her boyfriend who had become something serious obviously, got arrested and went to some sort of boot camp her entire pregnancy and was never there, when he came back the baby was 2 months old, about 2 months later he got arrested again and this time was sent to some sort of program again and well weeks later she found out she was about pregnant AGAIN at only 17 with a 3 month old baby girl. Yes he was the dad this time as well she used the “pullout” method and well we know that’s not really safe. Anyways, she gave birth and he was never there and she just lived with her mom never finished high school never did anything but take care of her kids. So it doesn’t sound like I’m “perfect” I dropped out of high school due to epilepsy and the triggers, I ended up with my GED and just worked and worked and later attempted college but I left. Anyways my friends boyfriend kept going in and out of these programs he wasn’t there for the second pregnancy or second birth he met his son when he was a couple months old and eventually got arrested again and well the kids are now 3 & 2 years old and he recently got out of his latest program and it’s been about a month and he’s been decent I suppose. She has caught him talking to other girls multiple times and these girls claim to have had sex with him. Now the problem is when I was 14 I met my now boyfriend and well we got together officially when I was 17 and we engaged last December and I am now pregnant with our first baby and things aren’t perfect because it wasn’t really planned and he’s in college but we’re working our way through it, well my friend is now constantly calling me EVERY single day to cry and complain about how her boyfriends mom hates her and how her own mom no longer supports her and that the boyfriend is talking to girls again and he doesn’t want any real commitment. Recently I’ve decided to completely ignore her because I am 21 weeks, I have enough problems of my own when I shouldn’t be stressing and she only calls me to complain about her mom not supporting her and her boyfriend not helping her with the kids and just talking to other girls and how they disagree on many things when it comes to how they want to raise the kids. I’ve stopped giving her advice because she won’t listen. She will literally fight with him and 10 seconds later she will be okay with him after she called me crying and I’ve had enough of that. I know she’s my friend and I should be there for her but the stress and negativity she drags into my life is insane. She wont even ask me how I’m doing, or if I need anything just out of being polite. She knows I have issues also and doesn’t ask me anything. I feel bad for her 2 kids because the environment they’re around isn’t the best. I don’t agree with her parenting but that’s something I won’t really speak of because that’s really optional and that I believe should be respected because to each their own. But I just I don’t know how to tell her to stop calling me, that “I don’t care if he cheated on you because you’re gonna go back to him regardless” I wish i could tell her to just shut up to just leave me alone. But in the past I’ve had rough times and she’s been there. Like when I has surgery for my seizures she was there and don’t get me wrong she’s a good friend but only when her boyfriend isn’t around. And I ignore her but it’s as if she can’t take a hint!