thin hair advice?

hi, i have long, thin, and fine straight hair that gets oily and flat within a day. i shampoo every two or three days or so with aussie volumizing shampoo (and everyday i condition with garnier full+plush conditioner) because i heard that shampooing everyday is bad for my hair. unfortunately my hair just looks so dreadful either way.

i part my hair to the left everyday, and i've noticed that there is a lot of breakage framing the part, so a couple of short strands kind of fray out. i've tried parting to the right, but there are still a lot of broken hair strands there as well. i've also got a mild case of dandruff that stands out especially when my hair gets oily.

any tips or recommendations for helping me get fuller, healthy hair that doesn't break? i'm especially looking for shampoo recs. i'm on a strict budget atm, so i can't spring for small bottles or anything over five dollars.