busy busy busy


last week my company said they couldn't let me work in my department (count room) anymore unless I convinced my Dr to remove my restrictions. refusing to risk another babys life in the room (I had miscarried 2 years ago because of no restrictions) I just accepted the FMLA and decided I'd have to wait it out until they fired me so I could at least draw unemployment if I couldn't find a job before then. my old department (players club) had a supervisor position open so I decided to apply, couldn't hurt. I have an interview in an hour. tomorrow is baby's anatomy scan, tomorrow afternoon is an optometrist appointment, and thanks to a mild winter and us failing to lay down poison like we normally would we are battling a flea infestation, as well as back to school shopping, and having to have a meeting with the school counselor over what grade to put my daughter in. wish me luck