Help !! I need options please.


My sweet 12 week old bundle of joy managed to roll him self out of my arms today and to drop a short foot onto the ottoman we were in the rocking chair I acted as fast as possible to grab him and managed to get an arm but his head and back hit the ottoman he looked up at me almost in shock then cried for a second but I put him on my boob and a minute later took him off and he was all smiles and giggles and fine. I’m just worried. No bumps bruises or anything and he is acting happy as ever and as if nothing ever happened. Would you take your son to the doctors or anything or is he okay. I’m a FTM my mom said if he’s acting fine and doesn’t have any marks he’s okay but I just worry what if later in life it causes a mental delay or something because he fell a little bit. When typing it I feel silly but my son is my world and I just want so reassurance that my baby is fine. He didn’t fall fast or hard and doesn’t have any marks. What would you do if it was your almost 3 month old child.