has anyone had a non intervention birth at a hospital?


I really wish I can do a home birth with a midwife but the only thing that's stopping me is the cost, whereas the hospital/ob route is 100% covered by my (tricare) insurance. we cant afford to pay out of pocket :-( but after reading a lot about the "natural" route, and watching "the buisness of being born", I'm scared to give birth in the hospital. I have not met my OB yet, my first appointment is in 2 weeks so I'm not sure if she is pro natural or not. I really do not want to be induced, I dont want pitocin, I dont want epidural, and I definitely dont want a c section and studies show that pitocin and epidural increase c section rates..

after I have my first appointment I'm going to go to the hospital and ask about their birth procedures. but I really dont want them to make me lay on my back and I do not want to push on my back. would hospitals be willing to let me move around, maybe use a birthing ball or tub, and push in whatever position is comfortable? has anyone done the whole natural route at a hospital before? I dont want to be connected to any machines or IV either!! and afterwards I want the skin to skin and delayed cord clamping as well