So high that I vanquished satan

I rarely smoke weed anymore because of work and adulting and all that, but this week I’m on vacation.

So I tried an edible from a friend of my husband’s. Unfortunately they did not give instructions. See apparently that tiny hunk of chocolate was to be nibbled on over the course of this entire week.

I ate the whole thing in one bite.

You guys... i have never been so high in. My. Life.

It hit me in waves and I sat on the couch and had an existential crisis on how to breath. Then had another existential crisis on how to wiggle my toes, followed by half an hour of creepy giggling. (According to my husband)

Then I either fell asleep or had a really intense weed induced day dream in which I rode on the back of a rhinoceros through the gates of hell to lead a revolt against the devil and ultimately vanquished Satan.

This was followed by a sequence of being given a medal by Jesus in star wars style. Just picture the old star wars movie endings but instead of Leia, Jesus gives out the medals.

10/10 would do again.