
Me and my fiancé have been together nearly 6 years (engaged 2 years) the relationship has always been happy except now we argue a lot more about a few things but mostly because he works non stop and on his days off spends majority of that time on Xbox, which of course is fine he can chill out etc, after all it’s his day off but I just feel none of his time is EVER gave to me, like I almost have to beg for him to notice me and realise I also miss him and want to spend time with him whilst he’s off.

So another thing, we barely ever do anything sexual anymore, he mostly has excuses wether it’s he’s not feeling too well to the fact he’s maybe too tired or the best excuse he’s gave me yet... He sometimes hates to have sex with me because he feels it’s pointless because I’m on the pill and he’s not gaining a pregnancy/baby from it, although I’ve told him numerous times I am not ready for a child and want to do much much more with my life first, so have agreed to reconsider a baby for next year which he was happy enough with yet still likes to mention it every few days and make me feel bad that he still isn’t a dad, sometimes it’s that bad I almost consider giving in and allowing myself to end up pregnant just to make him happy and to know he would then either want me more or possibly even just make more time for me.

I feel I am at a loose end and am struggling on what to do, I love him more than anything in this world and cannot ever see myself without him, when I think of being without him it gives me anxiety and hurts so bad. I would love the relationship to be as perfect as it was the first 4/5 years, it’s like everything has went downhill and I feel he just isn’t too bothered about us anymore or just isn’t as interested.

I’ve brought all this up to him before and I always get excuses every time, that I’m overthinking or that I’m just tired or whatever.

Does anyone have any advice for me at all on what to do or even what seems to maybe be the issue 😥

***Anonymous post as I know a few people that know me can see this so would prefer to stay private. Will update this post in reply to comments if need be.***