Ankle sprain or not? Help?!

I had a quick question about an ankle sprain. Has anyone had any experience with them, meaning what and what isn't normal cuz I don't think I can convince my mother to bring me to the doctors again. When it first happened I couldn't walk on my ankle at all without pain, like I wanted to cry with each step and I have a high pain tolerance. Then later that night/ next day I noticed my foot was stuck sideways. I stayed off it for that day and went to urgent care the next day. I got x-rays and it wasn't fracture/ broken. They told me I badly tore a ligament/ completely tore it, gave me an airbrace (the ones with the velcrow where u wrap it around the ankle). I can walk it now with a limp but sometimes find myself like walking on it funny but it kills at night when I lay down and will randomly have shooting pain throughout my foot at random parts of the day. It's 2.5 weeks and it's still happening and still slightly swollen. Idk if this is all normal but it worries me cuz the place (urgent care) never touched my ankle so idk if I was misdiagnosed or what. But I just wanna get better because I was in the middle of training for a marathon. I hurt my ankle while hiking and felt/ heard a pop. 
A day or two after it happened