Crying so much

Me and my partner had a fight! I got a new wallet and I changed all my cards and stuff into my new one from my old one.

Left the old one in my partners car accidently so she threw it in the bin. But it had all my receipts in there from my petrol as I have my own business so I drive a lot with my work.

I said to her remind me to get it out as I need to do my tax. She said I threw it out.. I said why?? I never asked u to.. she said cause u had a new one.

She then starts yelling at me..

And tells me to shut the fuck up.. I said you speak to me like shit ..

I cried and pulled over and said get out.. we were only around the corner from our house.. she said no you can get fucked, fuck off. Then when I said Dnt speak to me like that she covered her ears like a 3 year old and started saying ‘ lalalalala’ shut the fuck up.

We’ve been together for 5 years on and off.