help please!!!

Haley • mommy of a two little girls 💕 baby #3 due 2020

has anyone delt with head lice? ive never had them or know anyone who has. I found lice on my daughter yesterday and freaked out!

I called her doctor and they told me what to get, do for her. but I feel so bad and still kinda freaked out. I washed everything and did the treatment for her. I have no idea where she got it from.

only place I can think of would be her daycare. I called her teacher and explained what was going on. she got really rude with me and it was a little unexpected. I just simply called so she can keep an eye out for the rest of the kids.

I'm now 4 months pregnant so I pulled her from daycare awhile again she still goes once in awhile if I cant take her somewhere with me. but the last time she went falls perfectly with the lice timeline. anyway I'm still freaked out and feel so bad for her. even though I dont see any today I still feel bad. any advice?