Why do I miss him so much?


Tomorrow will be a week since I said goodbye to my Ex/friend and I really miss being able to say hello. I blocked him on messenger and he blocked me back. There is no other way to contact him now. (I turned off his phone when I found out that everything he said to me was a lie) He told me that he was never walking away again and we would always remain friends. He also told me that he never wanted to stop talking to me even though HE hasn't started a conversation with me since the beginning of June. A mutual friend of ours sent me a screenshot of their conversation where he says that I was JUST an ex and his personal life is none of my business. Well...it was when you got a phone or I won backstage passes to a concert you wanted to go to. I was told over and over that I meant the world to him, but I was JUST an ex! Please explain why I miss being able to say hello? Maybe I am just so used to fighting lol texting him and now I cant. I know he has a new phone, but he refused to give me the number because we could just talk on messenger. I know...get over it already. I'm trying.