What Do I Do?!?!?


Y’all must be tired of my shit...

But I know my SO doesn’t trust me because of things I did in the past.

But last night he was trippin out on me because I unfriended ( this is about to be so childish) him on fb because he refused to follow me on ig after I just made a new one.

He thinks I did that because he won’t be able to see what I do on my profile.

The whole thing is there was a funny video of a man getting his neck beard waxed, and an old friend from hs commented and I screenshot the pic of the mans face in the video. And then my mom commented under me... hes trippin because of this!!!

I just couldnt believe it. We’ve had plenty fights over what I’ve done and I swear I’m just done having to explain myself all the time. Tired of having to tip toe on who I encounter... I’m trying my best to get his trust back but it’s like he find any little thing to call me on my shit that’s not even flirting!

I understand he has issues trusting me and I know I caused that. He was arguing through text but every time I tried to call him he would ignore it. Then he texted me that he was done and he doesn’t have to put up with this! I’m like THEN DONT!!! This is like the damn millionth fkn fight, he brings it up all the time. I get it. But if he can’t fkn live with me after we’ve talked it over worked things out, and tried to move on from it, then what’s the point?!?!?

When he came home last night I approached him, he said he didn’t want to talk about it. Like wtf?!?!? How can we resolve anything if you don’t want to talk... and then this morning I tried again and nothing. I’m sick of it.