Don't feel important to my husband anymore.

When we first got together 5 years ago we didn't have anything. We lived at his dad's house for a while then I got pregnant. He immediately got a job and we eventually got our own place and we never really worried about money. Like if our bills were paid and we had food and each other everything was great. Well here lately over the past year things have changed. All he seems to care about is our possessions. Well his in particular. He just bought a 2017 Chevy Malibu. Car payments plus insurance about $700 a month. Let me add that I am a stay at home mom and me and both of our kids ride around in a 2008 Chevy Malibu which I am very grateful for but the motor needs to be replaced so it jumps and skips and when the car sits still it's jumps unless I turn the air off then it's super hot. So me and my 9 month old daughter have to sit in the at rider line and wait for our 4 year old to get out of school for about an hour in my car. While most of the time his is just sitting up at his job. And he also just informed me that he puts the middle grade gasoline in his car then told me this morning I could only put $5 in my tank. He doesn't let me use his credit card period. He just told me that he got $750 credit instead of $500 now. We still only have about $110 left on it but instead of buying stuff we need for the house or putting gas in my car he went and bought two new video games yesterday and is buying a paddle today to go fishing with his buddy. I feel like he is living the good life while me and the kids are just scraping by. He doesn't see it like that. Also I have a diagnostic laparoscopy to check for endometriosis is about a month he had not helped make 1 payment on it and told me I'm going to have to work to pay for it. So today I am going to teach a couple cpr classes with my uncle to get some money. He said so all that you get is going to the doctor I said yes and he was like well that fucking sucks... He also is upset that he is going to have to keep the kids and put them to bed and baths... Idk what to do y'all. It's starting to all get to me. I just needed to vent I guess...