He’s... MARRIED?!?!


So, I’ve been seeing this guy for a little over a month. He’s amazing, we talk everyday, date night once or twice a week etc etc. On date number three he mentioned he came to the country on a spouse visa. He’d moved here with his ex-girlfriend and the only way for him to stay in the country was to get married (we don’t live in America). So they got married but now things are over, they broke up and she went backpacking around the world or something and he stayed.

So naturally I assume that means they got divorced. NO! He’s still fucking married and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. We’re both settled in this new country. If things went well for us, we legally couldn’t get married because he’s already fucking married AND apparently has regular communication with wife! What the what?!?!

Now I understand the whole, “marriage is just a paper” or “it’s the heart that really matters”, but did I mention that they “broke up” only three months ago?! Fuck. That. Am I overreacting or is my bafflement and confusion and anger warranted?

I’m pissed he lied about it. He told me they got married up front, yes but he did NOT say he’s still married.....

Advice please!