School Uniforms: helping or hindering?

Morgan☀️ • Aquarius♒

In 2017, 23% of all public and private schools required uniforms.

Studies have shown that it has both a negative and positive affect on students.


Preventing gang colors, etc. in schools

Instilling discipline among students

Reducing need for administrators and teachers to be 'clothes police' (for example, determining whether shorts are too short, etc.)

Helping schools recognize those who do not belong on campus

reduce bullying based on personal looks


Students and parents argue that uniforms violate their freedom of expression

Some students might choose to express their individuality through other means such as body piercing which is harder to regulate.

children are comparing themselves more to each other ( how they look in the uniform VS how someone looks in it)

The annual cost for school uniforms is over $1.3 million, $249 a student.

Some people argue that all that money can go into something more useful for the education system. For example, updated books, Better Learning equipment, extracurricular activities, resources for students ( counseling, therapy, ect), improved security systems.

So, what is your opinion on school uniforms, for it or against it?

Would you want your children to wear uniforms or no?

please list your pros and cons, and explain why your for or against it.
