I think this is kinda rude and distasteful


Okay guys this is just a rant about my mil

So she cheated on the father of her kids & divorced him a few years back. She's now married to the guy. (which I have no problem with, hes a nice guy.)

Sometimes she'll ask my husband "hows dad?" "Is he seeing anyone?" Which he says "no" cause he's not. So anyways she'll be like "You need to tell him to find someone" & blah blah blah  about he needs to have someone in his life. My husband just tells her "he doesn't need anyone"

I'm like WFT!?!?

I think it's kinda rude of her to tell her kids to do that after she cheated & left.

Idk Ive talked to my husband about how I think it rude of her to ask that of them, he just says "yeah he doesn't need anyone right now, he's finally free from her" 🤣

Am I the only one who thinks its rude?

What are your thoughts on this ?